Call For Papers
In the pursuit of a sustainable future for all, it is crucial to concentrate on managing waste, energy, water, and ecosystems, as these factors play a pivotal role in attaining sustainable infrastructure for all. Across the globe, there has been a growing emphasis on conservation, reducing consumption, and reutilizing materials and energy to create a sustainable environment. Researchers and academics worldwide have already initiated efforts towards achieving these sustainable goals. This conference serves as a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering the exchange of knowledge and expertise in areas such as renewable energy, waste reduction, recycling technologies, and sustainable materials.

Theme 1: Reutilization of materials and new advanced materials
Theme 2: Reduction of Energy Utilization
Theme 4: Advanced Interdisciplinary Approaches
Theme 3: Reproduction of Eco-friendly Environment
Advanced materials
Composite materials
Energy storage and conversion materials
Renewable materials
Functional materials
Nano materials
Building materials
Chemical materials
3D materials
Smart/Intelligent materials/Intelligent systems
Magnetic materials, and smart materials for specific applications
MEMS and structural control
Active materials in MEMS applications
Materials properties, and characteristics
Energy-efficient Buildings,
Energy & Behavior,
Transportation & Water Systems,
CO2 Capture,
Renewable Fuels,
Solar Thermal & Wind Energy
Environmental Impacts
Air Quality
Climate Change
Integrated Modelling
Land Use & Land Cover
Water & Waste Water Treatment
Wasteland Reclamation
Eco-friendly Environment production
Advanced structural materials,
Green building materials and technology,
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Sustainable transportation,
Industrial and Domestic waste Management,
Internet of Things (IoT) applications in Construction Industry,
Machine learning techniques,
Big data analysis in the geotechnical field,
Post-disaster damage analysis using sophisticated image processing and statistical interpretation tools,
Transportation structures strengthened with smart power systems,
Additive manufacturing or 3D printing technology in construction,
Advancements in the structural health monitoring systems integrated with IoT.

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